
1091播放量 广告片纪录片 2021-11-14 15:55:24 举报
上海蔚有文化传媒有限公司位于上海市徐汇区虹钦园,位处上海经济商业中心。 公司具有一批优秀的导演、策划、摄影摄像、后期剪辑等资深人才。
这里是安徽合肥金秋九月,二零一九年,世界制造业大会正在这里举办。 以创新创业创造迈向制造业新时代为主题的大会,吸引了六十多个国家和地区的四千余名嘉宾参会,其中不乏国内外制造业的领军人物及世界五百强企业高管。 在这次盛会中,艾薇演播室迎来了惠尔普亚太区总裁吴胜波、新亚特集团总裁卢卡德梅奥。 我将和他们共同探讨在工业四点零时代智能制造和中国制造的新机遇。 卢卡德梅奥西班牙最大的汽车公司集团西雅特集团总裁,一九九二年毕业于意大利米兰博科尼大学工商管理学位后进入汽车行业,先后在雷诺、丰田、菲亚特和大众等国际知名汽车企业担任高管。 二零一五年至今担任西亚特集团总裁。 除此之外,他还是大众集团西班牙分公司的董事长,也是大众集团在西班牙的最高代表。 the first of all, welcome. welcome to i ask with leaders and also welcome to the nineteen word manufacturing uh convention is your first time in china. no, of course not. no. i went around at least fifteen years, thirty years in different place in a different place with different companies. but the more reasons leader i have a lot of opportunity to come because of the project we have with jessy here. jessica, john, higher into the unholy province and kind of witnessing the very fast development of the city and and these provinces. uh, we know the word manufacturing convention is held here in healthy china. how do you like the city? how do you like the problems? i think it's a very dynamic city and is very perfect to see every time i come, maybe every two months or three months that they think are changing uh all the time. and what as european, this is something pretty special, because europe tends to be relatively stable, stable, and and china always is on the move. so as particularly, this is changing, 西亚特公司历史长达七十年之久,在近三十年里成为大众集团的议员。 大众对于国人来说并不陌生,是中国汽车市场的领先力量。 西亚特在欧洲的客户主要是年轻人,近四年在欧洲迅猛发展,成为一个传奇。 如今,西亚特开始走出欧洲,把中国市场定为首个全球化机遇,并在数年前就致力于与中国江淮汽车的合作了。 as we know, last year, two thousand and eighteen november, and you had to join the venture partnership with a j a c, we call here in china. can 江淮汽车in angry。 so what's a new move? i go to do with the chinese markets. it obviously uh something important is going to happen. i think that the idea is, that is a big opportunity. we believe not only for the size of the chinese market is now the biggest automotive marketing in the world, very competitive, very clouded in a way. but the, the jump in the transition to electric cars or to zero emission vehicle, gives us the opportunity to establish a completely new brand with a completely new logic from the engineer and brother to the distribution, because a lot of things are changing. and the chinese consumers are really eager to see new proposal. so i think it's a great opportunity for us, but it's also an opportunity to learn a lot, as china is probably now. when i look at that from the inside of the automotive industry is probably the new center of gravity of the automotive industry. 二零一八年十一月,大众西亚特和江淮汽车签署三方谅解备忘录,合资公司江淮大众将于二零二一年前引进西雅特品牌,共同进行针对中国市场的电动化汽车开发新亮点备忘录的签订,推动着合作各方在中国市场稳步向前。 在协议项目的实施过程中,西亚特与江淮汽车将发挥重要作用,在和江淮汽车合作当中,西亚特作为西班牙最大的汽车公司,将会扮演怎样的角色呢? i'm very happy, and i really appreciate, it seems like the a cool new electric car is going to coming from c s in the john venture with a j a c here. yes, as i know, the new brand and the new car will be introduced to chinese market by twenty twenty one. yes, yeah, we are looking at that. in fact, we, we started already to within a kick stuff with that, and then we are right now, discussion on what kind of branding we would like to use for the future. product is not only about one car is about the old range of electric cars that we would like to develop together when you see a code about between the largest uh uh automobile companies see at from spain and j a c here. what coming responsible or different responsibility will take a look. i think we don't have to let it forget. it says part of the box firing group. so we were also account on letty on the technological and companies backlog of the group to raise this joint venture to the highest possible. but here we are not talking only about investing on plants on for manufacturing capability. we are actually a few kilometres away, for example, funding. and you are in decent, yeah, so we are going to bring, of course, engineer's companies. we gonna raise the level level, the competence of uh chinese engineer, because we want to create a team, a team. it's the magic of combining culture, but normally, you know, diversity means the richness. and so i think that if you're able to make it the work, uh, you know, a really exciting uh, unexpected products can come out of this common work. and as far as i have seen in the last couple of years, i think we were able to get along very, very well to work to work together and and to come with some little substantial results. so i'm very optimistic. it reminds me one saying that thing globally, act locally, exactly when you knew down to one specific market, it has to act locally. that's also the what makes the difference from our approach and the one that we took maybe a couple of years ago, even in general, also, the success of the box wine group here in china is motivated by the ability of our organization to really not only be the first to engage in the chinese market. but to continuously adapt and understand what the chinese consumer, 过去二十五年,西亚特其实曾两次试图进入中国市场,但应根据当时夏特的当家车型伊比飒车型改造的英格尔销量并不佳,不久后便退出市场。 二零一二年,西亚特尝试第二次入化,但因两款车型售价相比同平台的高尔夫和polo 价格高出太多,最终未能获得市场认可。 如今累计了充分经验的西亚特再次进入中国汽车市场,将会如何发力呢? we've got very curious, you know, we can help to compare our successful attempts from sea group to a chinese markets, and the success results by mocks wagon. why would you like to say, analyze the reasons behind when you look back the thing i was not lesser person. he was, so i can not judge exactly what happened with some lessons learned for sure, our attempts as serious as the wonder. we're trying to do this time. so if you wanna basically down to one sentence, and they were among the component, were really able to understand what the chinese consumer wants, and in particular, works. bargain played a very, very important social role, because he gave mobility to the millions with their product at the, at the beginning. so i think it's a different way of entering the market, different time we enter in the market that is much more crowded, much more competitive, much more cool for sophisticated than what used to be used to go. so we need to find another receipt, but we think we know how to do it like your summaries. number one is truly understand the market to understand the humanity of the consumers, what really want. and secondly, really have the ability to deliver. yeah, i think this is the committee needs to get to to have. i think the consumer in china have a right now, a lot of options, a lot of choice, and they are obviously very, very demanding. you just have to know that you just have to take that into account. so but as i said, it's kind of a new center of the automotive worlds. and we will learn every day uh, new things, but making it in china is a very strong. let's a stressed test for your organization. because if you can make it here, you can make any other place. me. and most of the chinese i s leaders audience are your targeting consumer. oh, here you have a following up question for you. the c i group uh moving forward. are you going to seek him greater integration with walks wagon, or would you create a totally separate brand strategy, completely different from walks like it? i mean, we are one of the thirteen plants of the box, fine group. so, of course, we leverage and take advantage a lot of, you know, the technology, the competence, the box man group is also probably one of the best example of multi brands portfolio management in the history of our industry, as we have. you know, from sympathy to super, super luxury product and one of the magic of our organization is the ability to develop specific brands, strategy and customer proposition for each one of the targets that we want to alert. sad is a young is a balance for young people. uh, in neural areas. we know to do that. uh, something else would be unnatural to us. so at the same time, we are under the umbrella of the boxing group. at the same time, we act independently because we will represent a different kind of consumer that is attracted by, for example, drawings. and obviously, this is the idea. 随着汽车新能源化的浪潮拍来,众多车企不得不推出自己品牌的新能源车型。 中国的电动汽车领域,因为市场向电动汽车的巨大转变,刺激了几十家初创企业进入全球电动汽车市场,这些车企必将是西亚特进军中国电动车市场。 救敌西亚特将会如何应对呢? 电动车市场的未来又会是怎样的呢? we were happy to help you on this show. also, uh, probably you pay attention to the, we have a new trend of chinese car car makers, 中国造车新势力。 we had a new uh the founder, uh, libyan williams, and we had the founder conversation, and they may not be here over the, i ask. i'm sure they will watch our conversation, and they may see you as a new competitors to chinese. and what would you like to say to them? are you going to compete? are you going to have separate product? yeah, so i have to say, i am very administrative or admitted for the work that some of these new emerging a progressive brands of being chinese brands have been able to do in the last years, not only from a product point, but you know, all the way through the value chain, the, the engineer and the value change they made. uh, so if i can say something, i can only say that probably they were an inspiration for us on how to approach our lesser attempt to enter the chinese market at this time. because i think they set the bar and uh, you know, on some of the of the fields, we end the year, obviously to compete fairly and compete fairly and competing fairly means trying to be as good as possible to possibly offer to consumer something better than our competitor. but they were inspiration for us, and they are doing extension. are you a big believer in electric cars? i think they would be uh in some situation, absolutely necessary. i think it is. uh uh uh challenge is worth fighting because of the congestion and the traffic to the driver, because, in fact, they are very fun to drive. so they are very good acceleration. they are not noisy at all. and if infrastructure are up there, it can be pretty convenient to have them and relatively cheap to actually use, maintain and and fuel already today, china represents fifty percent of the old electric market in the passenger car in the world. what you say, you fully believe in the electric car is a future. are you really believing the market? the chinese have the unique capacity to consume more electrical cars, or you really think electric cars going to be the future for all human beings. i think the electric would be a substantial part of the market here. it's already the case in this growing, okay, uh uh in europe, the new regulation that are probably some of the toughest regulation we have on the planet will force companies, but also consumer, to adopt this new technology. so it doesn't started as fast as it started in china, because you started a few years earlier, also with regulation. but starting from next year, uh, europe will also see uh a development of the thing. the box fine group is heavily committed to electrical technology, and in the next five years, we will be launching with the different brands, something like seventy different models investing uh, something like twenty uh billion users into the game of electric cars. so for sure, we believe that this is one that a solution for the future, one of the solution for the future. 中国电动车市场的确很大,但可能没有众多车企想象的那么大。 中国乘用车联合秘书长崔东树表示,这个市场是给有竞争力的参与者准备的,而不是最弱的企业。 因为最弱的企业将会出局。 近些年,国内轿车市场韩美欧市场份额逐渐被日德系采食。 截至二零一九年七月份,德系汽车品牌在中国叫车市场所占份额最高,为百分之三十三点五。 其次是日系以百分之二十七点五占为第二,国产品牌所占份额为百分之二十。 西亚特选择在这个时间点进入中国市场,将要如何面对本土品牌和其他外籍品牌的同时竞争呢? we just a convoy sets. you are going to fairly compete with the chinese young entrepreneurs while making cars cool cars. but also, we realize car makers for all over the world are competing aggressively in chinese market, is beer from korea, from japan and some european. so how are you? how do you see them? we have completely aware of the fact that the china automotive markets, already a mature market, very, very crowded with everybody trying to have a slice of the cake over the the, the more, the more tasty one, but is such a big market. they think there is a space for everybody. if you do it right? i think that that's the second point is the relevant. my feeling is the culture, and the society is so much on the move in china that people give a chance to someone that comes into a market with the solution that is good, that is personally adopted to their demand. and for the ones are trying to do it right? how good, how cool, how fancy your solution is going to be? you would you carry? you will see you were secret. no, but i think i think that the chances of being in a new uh lesser brand coming um is to actually not having any heritage. or if you won't know back back, you know, i think you can actually look at each one of the points of the value chain and really tried to engineer them. no, and to remember them. so this is the opportunity that we have. you know, i think that as a group, historically, and even our company, where we are on a different game, we are more until into an industrial game. long term commitment, independent from latin, the potential evolution of whatever you stop to uh to collect the investment and to cash money to be. so, i think that the group and our part, and they have the resources to be able to develop uh, you know, the product range and the services. so i think that our sport is a light of different from the one that we were mentioned before, because we are, let's invest in the business. we are investing in the products, so we are not out here to look for only the feedback of the financial markets. so you think the, the production of and sales of the automobile will will increase. it depends, it depends in electronics for sure, electrics for sure. this is the is the new market. yes, it is the new market that gives us the chance on the opportunity. it's a new, but the engine of the, the mark when you look at the number of vehicles per inhabitant, and you compare that with the ratio that you see in other material economies like north america or europe, we are far away from the non. so, in addition to code, develop um electric cars with j a c, 江淮汽车,what other new moves will carry, carry out in chinese market from sea. but, but for us, this one is already a a, a big, big move. and we are now concentrating on trying to, together with our colleagues from a books willing to make it happen and make it happen successfully. and if we let it, when we will see the this project running on rails and establish who will think about uh more opportunity, that, for sure, uh will come in this beautiful. okay, one more last question is uh uh this, usually at the end of our, i ask with the leadership we will ask you must answer question. it's a prediction for future. and how do you see, see at group in china in ten years, and also, how do you define yourself in ten years time? well, i think uh i would let a dream of having achieved and realized that the company like see it with one of his, his brands, is been clearly recognized as a respectable player uh in the chinese market. i don't see chat, or, you know, in this product as becoming a commodity brand. that's not what we are trying to do back in bathroom. we are trying to create an emotional consumer brands. and over we would be able to touch the emotion of chinese consumer. but what concerns myself in ten years time, i hope i will be able to be known. keep with the pace uh that the market is the setting, because i think that uh i will now work almost fifty years in this industry. i thought that would be brought of the turkey of doing always the same. yeah, but in fact, this is probably one of the most interesting and exciting time with so many transformation are happening. and so i'm learning everyday. so what i open that are in ten years, i was still, i would be stealing the condition to learn every day that will be my dream. thank you. thank you so much. that's interesting conversation. thank you. thank you. thank you for your time. yeah, i am the c e o of sad part of the box bargain group. welcome to i ask leaders. so i believe in the military of the automotive industry to continuously transform itself in order to offer, as we have done for the last one hundred years. affordable, safe and enjoy your own mobility to the meanings. i think it's an important mission, because mobility for the people means freedom, means progress, means evaluate 在与卢卡的对话中,我深感羡慕。 因为他所从事的移动汽车领域是这样的,有趣,令人兴奋。 在这样一个数据无处不在的时代,西亚特生产的不仅仅是一辆车,一种代步与交通的工具,而是一种智能设备。 艾问,想知道消费者的体验是否会从根本上改变汽车与互联网之间的可能性。 功能性和服务性。 数年之后,一辆车最大的价值是不是它的软件呢? 我们期待在不远的未来遇见这些答案。 感谢您收看本期爱问顶级人物之卢卡德梅奥,我是爱城,我们下期再见。
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